The WALLACH SEARCH GROUP has earned a national reputation for recruiting top scientists and engineers over the last 30 years. It’s Recruiting Intelligence.
The WALLACH SEARCH GROUP has earned a national reputation for recruiting top scientists and engineers over the last 30 years. It’s Recruiting Intelligence.
Working closely with top talent in the Defense & Intelligence communities, The Wallach Search Group has earned a reputation for successfully recruiting leading candidates for our clients. Armed with an in-depth understanding of the requirements and expectations of these communities, our recruiters find candidates whose specific experience, technology and leadership skills will make a positive impact.
Applying our expertise to the challenging positions at our clients’ firms allows us to create mutually beneficial and productive partnerships. We recruit nationally for our clients on both coasts and some in the middle.
Boasting 30 years of industry experience, our recruiting and placement experts have access to premium candidates and longstanding client relationships in the defense, intelligence and commercial industries—ranging from small start-ups to mid-size and large Fortune 100 companies.
We proudly support First Descents, an organization committed to curing young adults of the emotional effects of cancer through adventure sports, as well as Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a global leader of the breast cancer movement. We’re proud to be changing lives daily here at the search group!
The Wallach Search Group brings the experience and skills of its recruiters to bear on your career search or talent needs.
President & CEO
Managing Partner
Vice President / Chief Financial Officer
Senior Recruiter